The rudder broke and disappeared
out at sea the ship drifted aimlessly
The captain faced uncertainty
as the engine faltered also
Disagreement on the bridge
fuel perilously low
Fever breaks out below decks
it is highly contagious
Sails are raised but torn
no whisper of wind apparent
Radio reports pirates are close
The ship carries gold bullion
Water trickles into the hold
as the ship begins to list
The outlook is bleak
no contingency plans exist
Insufficient life boats and jackets
destroy any vestige of hope
panic simmers beneath the surface
of fearful hearts
No longer seaworthy
a storm threatens
The horizon is dark and foreboding
Impending doom creates more fear
Gold in plenty has no value
It will sink with all hope lost
keith jeffries
Mon 20th Nov 2017 18:48
Jon and Ryan, thank you both for your comments. As always they are much appreciated and valued. Keith