The Pylon And The Scarf
A silk scarf of crimson elevates
Like a sky-bound alien manta ray
The deep glowing slate heavens shimmer
Casting the pylon a mysterious aura of golden silver
And reflects a light so fierce
A totem of shining mirror..
The darkest cream grey sky
Whisked and liquefied
All passive-aggressive
Blasts down still-life breaths
Pummelling the mustard grass
Like bleached wig hair
sucked into a cyclonic vacuum cleaner's vortex
Brooding tides of air currents
caress and lift this abandoned scarf playfully (lovingly) higher
As it arcs the beaming pylon
In spirals it drifts..
This pylon
Like a dancer frozen
A bashful pageant Christ
His six energy-god arms seem to outstretch
Perhaps to catch her..
The orphaned scarf
Here in the so silent day after a night
Abandons itself in turn to the pagan power line
And rests..
And falls
Like a spaceman..
suki spangles
Thu 7th Dec 2017 05:31
Hi Ray and David,
Cheers so much for your feedback.
David, you aren't far off at all. I was by a field and a vivid scarlet chiffon scarf was floating around a pylon ~ an other worldly slow-step tango. The sky was an almost luminous charcoal, casting an eerie light on the straw field. I just let my imagination run with those images..
This is an old poem that I re-edited as a little bit of an exercise.