I Will Not Let You Beat Me Down
{I Will Not Let You Beat Me Down}
Darling I won't
let you beat me
down and it's
high time that
this cowgirl
picks herself back
up off of the
ground and get
to moving on
down the long
lonesome road as
I kick the hell
out them blues
you have got me
going through
and now it's time
to forget all
about you
And don't ask
me why later
on and if you
do it's because
the way you have
done me so wrong
for so long now
and it's time for
me to go~go little
darling but
thank you walking
so softly on this
country woman's
? heart of mine
And I will
not let you
beat me down
any more
©One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover 12/06/2017 all rights reserved