Black Dress
As she sits besides me in a sultry black dress
I can't keep my eyes off, I quietly explore
All the finer details, from her hair to the floor
From her juicy cleavage to her hips faithfulness
Wanting to pull closer and ignore the banquet
To smother her with laughs, that would flow in contact
Subtle yet absolute that would make it a fact
That the law's attraction that escapes as magnet
Wanting to show reserve, there are no moves taken
Just little flirts to ease as tension boils over
When we need to exit into a turnover
The chance will never be, as shyness is shaken
Upon the dark corner, she reaches for a kiss
Acting very surprised, a response with great bliss
Big Sal
Sat 9th Dec 2017 02:59
Good form in the poem, and it flows well.