lead III (12/12/2017)
a shape
a solidine spectre throwing shape
over my shoulder, bed filled with weighted shale
sheets hanging over a floor dropping out forever
and I wish more than anything I could describe what it is
or was
or might be
it's shears
cutting and reshaping all the new growths I've made
sliding together with intoxicating blades
oil dripping, whipping in strings as we pray
cutting you down, you, the best part of my day
you reach down towards me and I push you away
it's because I've grown to love those fingers bearing that ring, soothing my hair , cooling my fevers , walking across my chest ,
you can feel the way it's weighted down as I try
I flex against it, losing weight and sleep in equal parts
And you notice the missing finer details
you ask where they went , where they might be living now
you ask who keeps cutting me and I panic because I don't really know anymore.
a shape so big it approaches flatness
blackness like event horizons
where time slides to a crawl
splaying out the pile of nothing
I am
into a perfect eternal ellipsoid
that you'll never find again
and I don't want it to be this way