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Tax- I don't have problem.

I don't have problem, 
when you deduct tax
10%,20% or any percent.

From the hard earned salary,
after working from Monday to Friday,
sometimes including Saturday and Sunday,
From 9 to 5 or any shift including night shift,
9 hour or 10 hours maybe 12-14 hour job.
The over time or weekend. 
Leaving my kids alone, 
feeling sorry for not giving them enough time. 
Sacrificing vacations
For which my old parents were waiting eagerly, 
to see me after months or approximately a year. 
Sometimes even working on festivals. 
Listening to taunts every day, 
and knowing I am full of flaws,
When good work is just my duty,
and minor flaw is a major issue,
question over my competency.

I don't have any problem,
to pay income tax or sales tax
or luxury tax over essentials,
which is a necessity not a luxury.
because it is small contribution
for my country, for the needy.

But when I return home,
after a tiring extended shift.
The welcoming potholes,
and traffic, poor infrastructure,
damaged road filled with sevage water,
after rain which lasted for an hour. 
The low maintenance roads, pathetic public transport and adulterated food. 
Sorry but
I do have a question.
what is wrong? 
I paid the tax but...

When I read the news of any scam,
or a farmer committing suicide,
Because he was debt ridden.
But a millionaire able to escape from country after millions of debt, 
Or a teenage girl dropping her dreams,
because her dreams are too expensive,
even if the dreams are as basic as education,
or to be a sports star.
Or a pregnant mother passing away,
due to negligence.
The soaring price and shrinking hike, 
Sorry but
I do have a question.
what is wrong? 
I paid the tax but...

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems


◄ The Doll's smile

The splash of darkness ►


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Sat 17th Mar 2018 06:47

"I paid the tax but......."Great line,great thoughts.My patience is being taxed by all the potholes I keep falling down in our economy due to problems being left to fester and cause more trouble.

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Martin Elder

Wed 17th Jan 2018 09:25

totally agree with you about this one Ankita. I love the way you have ended this poem by asking the question.
nice one

Jemima Jones

Tue 2nd Jan 2018 17:08

it is one pain in the butt having to pay taxes Ankita and the other is what our hot air blowing so-called representatives spend it on as in a soon to be white-elephant aircraft carrier Putin described as " a nice big target" what does that tell you? Thank you. Jemima.

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suki spangles

Tue 2nd Jan 2018 15:45

Hi Ankita,

Wishing you a Happy New Year!


Big Sal

Mon 1st Jan 2018 22:08

My mom always told me only guarantees in this life are 'Death and Taxes', which thinking of it now would be a very befitting title for a poem which you may have inspired me to now write. Always enjoy your work.

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