Mummy and Daddy are Methodists
they have to have everything right;
they taught me that life is sacred,
to never give up the good fight.
Biology taught me the details
of life with its marvellous ways,
seeing how things are constructed
and to see how they're taken apart;
the blood and the organs, muscles and nerves,
how living creatures feed and breed;
emotions filtered, often suppressed
impossible dreams never expressed.
My Mummy and Daddy will visit today.
my prison cell is A OK.
Ten years since the murders now,
they'll come with their disbelieving eyes
not knowing me one wit more than when
they felt that He was on their side,
when they were blessed with little me,
rotten to the core.
Fri 12th Jan 2018 17:14
Thanks Martin. A plot line - I like the idea . I'll keep that in my mind maybe !
Thanks for liking , 220 August.