Write Out Loud's November News Letter
We've got a new web team in place and they are already making an impact with the site having record numbers of hits, contributions and events - 300 NEW events were put on the Guide in September alone!
You can meet the new web team here:
Our news editor, Christine Dawson, is not only responsible for our news section, but is also helping develop an embryonic marketing and public relations section, which will be invaluable in raising the site's public visibility. You can send your news items to her at:
news@writeoutloutloud.netclick http://www.writeoutloud.net/public/features.php
It will be changing and growing a lot over the coming months. We intend this to be the magazine section of the site, edited by Dermot Glennon. We’ll be telling you more about it shortly but, in the meantime, you can help by doing any - or all! - of the following
* Pitching any ideas for features you’d be willing to write and/or manage to Dermot
* Why not write a review of about 300 words, and send it to him for consideration?
* You could pen an article for the "What I do that's new" feature.
Send your ideas and articles to Dermot at:
Paul Blackburn wants to know what's happening on the poetry scene near you and would welcome a 300 word article from you: and he is also looking for small works of art, photographs and cartoons to illustrate the site.
Contact him to learn more at: paul@writeoutloud.net
We are still committed to constantly reviewing and developing the existing site functionality; so over the past few weeks we've introduced 'Tags' into Blogs, to give you a new way of searching amongst the huge number of blogs we have.
Meanwhile, our highly regarded, interactive, Gig Guide has introduced a much quicker and easier way to find venues for event organisers; whilst there have been changes to the internal workings of the system to make it easier for our gig admin. to manage the gig guide as a whole. Developments will continue and we'll notify you of further updates as they occur.
Tags on blogs: http://www.writeoutloud.net/public/blogentry.php?blogentryid=7293
Other news that will be of interest is the announcement of a Larkin Festival to be held throughout 2010, in Hull.
Find out more: http://www.writeoutloud.net/public/blogentry.php?blogentryid=7180