The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.


entry picture

Battling with the inner me and the outer me

Who I am on the inside is starting to bleed out





Believing in me has slowly drifted away

My heart is beating slowly

The love I have for me has changed most days I don’t know who I am

When I look in the mirror I don’t see the beauty anymore I see the things that I have issue with the things that need to change

Funny how I didn’t notice before or maybe I didn’t care before

Or maybe I have always been battling with myself

The woman that I want to be is inside but I need to push all the things that are holding me back out

Actions are important words fade away and soon you will have nothing else to say

Push myself like I never have before

Be passionate about something

Take pride in something

Be able to say I love me without wanting to break down

Fight my battles with my mind find and speak my truth

I don’t want to have this fight anymore

Be beautiful all around

Feel beautiful all around

Create beautiful all around

Not only showing my beautiful smile on the outside but also feeling my beautiful smile on the inside 


◄ Over It

Daddy's Little Girl Wish ►


<Deleted User> (6895)

Thu 18th Jan 2018 17:51

you HAVE created beauty Saniya with this poem and your gorgeous photo!

P&S xx

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