The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Daddy's Little Girl Wish

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A little girl with a dream

One dream since she came into this world

To be a daddy’s little girl

When does it happen?

When the brown eyed baby girl first opens her eyes and sees her daddy

They locked eyes but never made a connection

She grew

At times the days weren’t so bright

She was in fear; She didn’t speak to her daddy

She was scared of her daddy

Other children loved her daddy

Other children knew the fun dad but she never did

She didn’t get to experience that dad

“You are so lucky to have a fun daddy”

Odd thing to reply back to because she didn’t know that fun daddy

More days past by

She is into new things talking has become less frequent

The man that she called dad became invisible to her

He became the silent storm in her world

Wanting a “I’m proud of you moment”

Instead it turns into she is not satisfied with anything because she didn’t work hard enough for it mentality

Becoming a woman creating a life for herself, In charge of who and what she will let into her world

She no longer has that dream of being daddy’s little girl for herself but she does have that dream for her future daughter





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Wed 7th Feb 2018 18:15

Thank you!

Big Sal

Wed 7th Feb 2018 18:13

Anyone can be a father, but it takes a real special person to be a daddy. Good poem.

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