At the outset let me firmly state
I'm all for paying "the going rate"
For what is done - no matter by whom,
But sport itself is a selective broom.
The Olympic female on a winter day
Who throws herself on a tin tea tray
To hurtle down a tube of ice
At speeds that make the sane blink twice
Is worth far more than what comes in pay
To others in the sporting fray.
There are other sports involving teams
That wallow in the stuff that gleams,
But does anyone believe that their course is
Decided by anything but market forces?
In their range the Williams sisters are top,
Yet who would pitch them against the crop
Of male champions and their power-driven wins
That people watch with high priced grins?
The boisterous demands for sporting equality
Are sometimes seen as unrealistic frivolity,
But with all that in mind I will gladly say:
Pay the going rate (and more!) to that girl on her tray!
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