How much would it be for a brain transplant?
How about a lobotomy?
Anything to help get me out of my head
I believe you could be my saving grace
I just can't bring myself to pull you into my world.
I feel myself sinking, struggling to stay afloat
Just reach out for me, I can’t ask for your hand
The thought of drowning you in my pain
Its too much for me to bare
I don’t want to die but I can’t bring myself to live
The motivation just isn’t there
I don’t know why
Why is this my life?
What is going on in my head?
I need an escape
This booze and these drugs do nothing for me
Like a bandaid on an amputee
Tommy Carroll
Tue 6th Feb 2018 15:03
Josh I think the op
is reversed
a body transplant
or so i've learned!
Tommy ?