Virus in the Motherboard
My mind is something like an analytical computer,
Processing, Calculating, Probability.
Always observant,
Sometimes giving me unrest.
Is it really as simple as it seems?
Or is my mind prone to hard truths?
This is my newest edition to self-discovery,
I think my mind needs to have surgery.
Dissecting the unforgiving folds,
Maybe even remove the hard drive,
Send it to diagnostics,
A factory reset is in order.
20 years of misinformation,
False imprisonment,
Ego manipulation,
Onward to handle this malfunction,
Enlightenment is awaiting.
Once reinserted,
Calm and Serenity reside.
I am at peace,
The virus has been left behind.
Gabrielle Renee'
Mon 12th Feb 2018 02:35
Thank you Colin, Your feedback is appreciated. I was trying something different and wanted to explore this style of writing.