The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

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Niche Soul

Lost among the nameless crowd, A quiet ghost, no cries allowed. Drifting shadows, passing by, No hello, no wondering why. A life unbound, yet bound so tight, A flickering flame in endless night. The world it speaks, but not to me, A dialect I’ll never see. I tried to stand where others meet, But tripped upon my own two feet. Their laughter rang, a foreign sound, A melody I’ve neve...

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lonelinessisolationself-discoverysearching for connectionemotional painkindred spiritlongingsolitudeoutsiderreflectionidentity

The Weight of Indifference

Inspired by Gerta Spieß’s haunting lines, “There’s nothing to be done,” this poem, The Weight of Indifference, examines the moral cost of inaction. It reveals how silence and apathy chain the oppressed and stain the conscience of the innocent. A call to confront the guilt born of indifference, it urges us to speak and act, even when trembling, for silence is the crime of care.

What marks the gu...

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guiltsilenceinactionjusticemoralityresponsibilitypoemreflectionGerta Spieß

The return of the living dead

I looked at the pale face
that face that doesn’t exist
neither alive nor dead
but inhabits the space of one who is no more
It was a nightmare that inhabited me
and suddenly it became flesh
it started to walk, it breathed the need
Death is not an end
it’s not even a rest
It is the continuity of absence
that insists on showing itself

And I saw those bodies
they didn’t know what they we...

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I remember everything, even the type of ring you wanted.

The type of things most would've forgotten.

I was there listening, came through with everything I promised.

That's knowledge for you.

That’s knowledge for you.

You were my favorite subject and I passed all those classes plus I’d hang right after school.

Always hanging onto you, but now we let go and I can’t hang to an excus...

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The Bard’s Eye On Now

In "The Bard’s Eye on Now," Shakespeare’s spirit returns to behold the wonders and flaws of the modern age. With awe, he watches the rapid rise of technology, where thoughts soar like arrows across the sky and iron chariots race through the heavens. Yet, despite these marvels, he mourns the coldness of human hearts and the corruption of power, as greed and violence still plague mankind. This poem ...

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Shakespearemodern worldhuman natureprogresstechnologytimelesscritiquemoralityironywritingreflection

A Farewell to Youth

“A Farewell to Youth” is a heartfelt and introspective poem inspired by one of Sir Walter Raleigh’s poems. Drawing on themes of lost time, fleeting joys, and the inevitable passage of life, the poem reflects on the sorrow that follows the end of youthful days. Like Raleigh’s original work, it meditates on the melancholy that remains as the seasons of life change, leaving only memories behind. Thro...

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inspired by Raleighloss of youthpassage of timemelancholysorrowreflectionfleeting joysagingpoetrylife’s transience

The Three Wishes

An old man, burdened by life's hardships, sits alone on a park bench, lost in sorrow. A stranger, offering three wishes, appears before him, promising a chance at happiness. But what begins as a fleeting opportunity soon turns into a journey of regret, as the man’s impulsive wishes lead him to face the true cost of his desires. Based on Erich Kästner's fairy tale, this thought-provoking tale explo...

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three wishesmagical encounterlife lessonsregretsecond chancesfatewishes gone wrongtimereflectionwisdomconsequences

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