A Farewell to Youth
“A Farewell to Youth” is a heartfelt and introspective poem inspired by one of Sir Walter Raleigh’s poems. Drawing on themes of lost time, fleeting joys, and the inevitable passage of life, the poem reflects on the sorrow that follows the end of youthful days. Like Raleigh’s original work, it meditates on the melancholy that remains as the seasons of life change, leaving only memories behind. Through vivid language and poignant reflections, the poem tries to capture the essence of the fleeting nature of youth and the heavy weight of time.
Like fleeting winds, my joys have turned to mist,
And gone beyond recall are those bright years.
My heart deceived, and dreams no longer twist—
Of all that's passed, the ache alone appears.
The warmth I sought is now a distant shore,
And I am left to wander, lost and cold;
My thoughts to grief, my fate a weight I bore—
Of all that's passed, the ache alone takes hold.
As in a land unknown, with none to share,
I mourn the time that lingers far too long,
The spring I knew now gone, the summer fair—
Of all that’s passed, only the pain lives on.
Warned by the years, before the cold arrives,
I seek the place where fortune still survives.