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today I lost everything I’ve ever written though I do remember most there are so many I don’t and so many half finished pieces I’ll never get to finish. I’m feeling so destroyed, I never showed anyone any of it and now it’s going to be lost and never heard by another soul. I wanted so bad to open my journal to people and now it’s gone, i hate to be an attention seeker but I have no one to talk to about this as no one knows I write I’d really appreciate a message if anyone has some wise words. 


◄ Grotesque decadence


<Deleted User> (18118)

Sat 3rd Mar 2018 19:09

I am so sad to read this.
Losing your work is a terrible loss.
Try to rewrite the ones you can remember and put them on here. I should like to read them.


<Deleted User> (18980)

Sat 3rd Mar 2018 09:57

Jakob it's a bloody shame but it is spilt milk now. I know that may sound harsh, but think's an opportunity to start again...perhaps develop new ways of writing, alternative styles etc. Good luck and keep your chin up!

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