The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 32 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Jakob Robinson

Updated: Thu, 6 Jul 2017 01:28 pm

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I've recently worked up some courage and decided to share some of my work, The few comments I've had have literally changed my life I can't express how happy they've made me. It's inspired me to keep writing, exploring and learning. Thankyou so much write out loud for giving me the opportunity to share my work with so many other amazing artists.


Sip sipping chloroform wine, Fortified in a tortured mind. Sat drinking abnormal thoughts arised, distorted by the slimes. Deforming like metamorphosis his limbs begun to change Tidal waves of liquor cycled into the rain. Violence absorbed his hate Eyelids would start to fade to blackness, Aching from chain reactions. Face conveyed the fact that he caged his rage with straps in vacant space he sat with mental pages of the map. Where did I loose the track ? Where am I heading ? Lost on the stair way to heaven. Skipping stones across the oceans 7. Alone in a essence, sitting on the ozone with a message in a bottle let it drift through the universe. Not finished not sure it ever will be.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Stu Buck

Thu 22nd Jun 2017 18:27

hey jakob
seen you ask for feedback a couple of times now so here goes.
your work reminds me of the lyrics from the band 'the mars volta', which is a good thing. i love the beat poetry style you have and the language you use compliments the pitch-black imagery you use. i love reading your work,its right up my street.

hope that helps for now. keep posting and reading other work. try some of william burroughs work, or allen ginsberg.

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Jakob Robinson

Mon 1st May 2017 15:46

thankyou so so much Keith, Emer and Rich ! I really can't describe how good it feels to finally have someone look at my work and appreciate it ! This has defiantly given me some more motivation to write more ?

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Mon 1st May 2017 09:58

Hi Jakob - thanks for your comment on my profile.

I like the two pieces you've shared, you have a knack with words.

I'm no expert - just keep writing - it's fun!

I'll look forward to reading some more.?

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Emer Ni Chorra

Sun 30th Apr 2017 22:56

Hello Jakob and thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment on 'The Innocent Alcoholic.' When posting a poem, enter it into your blogs section (Add blog entry) that way people can comment underneath each individual piece of writing. I really like the two that you have posted so far, even if they are unfinished. Keep writing and sharing your words. You express your thoughts very well. ?

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keith jeffries

Sun 30th Apr 2017 12:04

Hello Jakob,
I have enjoyed all that I have read so far. I like your style and means of expression. You certainly have potential. In particular I love the expression ¨Human canvas painted by swords ¨. Keep writing. Thanks Keith

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Jakob Robinson

Sun 30th Apr 2017 11:21

Lured To the desk of death.
Where many heads have left there necks.
Figures scutter across there crimson innards.
The stench of flesh dissected by insects.
Vermin feast for free, Souls left rotting in purgatory by the murder scene.
Tried to hurdle the guillotine past Guards in metal garments.
Clawed with a blade, stained red like an artist of war.
Human canvas painted by swords.
Chained to bascule, Flagellated with tasseled whips
Blood pours out battered limbs,
into the cobble streets.

Another un finished piece, even if you have a bad comment please post it. Really really would love any type of feedback

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