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Animal magic: editors seek fantastic poems for anthology

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The editors of a forthcoming anthology associated with animals are seeking poetry and short fiction submissions. Humanagerie, to be co-edited by Allen Ashley and Sarah Doyle, will be inspired by the characteristics that animals possess, “and the points at which these intersect with – and manifest in – humanity”.

The editors add: “We are seeking poems and short stories that contain some element of the speculative and/or the fantastical, the metaphorical, metaphysical or magical; we are not seeking straightforward descriptive pieces, or 'nature' themed writing that works only on one level. We are asking writers to consider how animalistic attributes might manifest in the human psyche – or vice versa. We want hints of scales, tails, fur and fins... gills, claws, paws and spines... glimpses of horns, tusks, teeth and tongues... stalking, slinking, slithering and stomping... roars, whimpers, howls and song.”

The deadline for submission is 31 May. The anthology is due to be published in the autumn by Eibonvale Press. More details



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Belongings: Trevor Hughes, Kingston Press ►

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