Remember to look up at the stars
Not the kind who whine about their first world problems on a million different channels
always me me me
to look up at the stars and not down at your feet
and reach out to the universe with all your tiny fingertips
and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see
in a world where reality TV isn't real
and filters alter everything
teeth tits face fists
tiny hands and truth
and wonder how the universe exists
especially now
when our weaponry of satire is extinct
how the universe exists.
Be curious
but don't forget the NHS
or the cunt in charge of it
And however difficult life may seem
poison on the streets
two women every week
babies being bombed by BAE artillery
young guns silencing the songs that others sung
corruption in the corridors
lungs full of gas
love from Assad
there is always something you can do
and succeed at
even if it's breathing in
getting up
putting one foot
on the floor
and then another
It matters that you don't just give up
did I?
It matters that you don't just give up
be a butterfly
Rest in peace, Stephen Hawking. Today is Pi Day. What a strange universe :)
<Deleted User> (18980)
Sat 17th Mar 2018 08:37
Arguments and counter-arguments, but I still hate that word whether used by a woman or a man or any other gender variation. I read everything posted on WOL but will stop reading as soon as I encounter that word. That's my only exception; that's my line in the sand. I don't think that is hypocritical.