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Kathmandu 2

i cried every day

Sometimes a world weary sob

Sometimes a pillow soaking convulsion

I cried for the three legged dogs and the starving cows

That lined the roads

I cried for the goats that stood,

Tethered, through the freezing night

Only to be slaughtered, boiled

And skinned in the morning.

I cried for the beggars

With their leprosy-stump-limbs

I cried for the street children.

Siblings, huddled together

A pile of rags,

Big brown eyes, devouring

All the things they could not have.

And every teardrop fell

Like rain into a muddy puddle.

My useless grief

A self indulgent cloak

Drawn across my shame.


◄ Kathmandu 1

Why cant she write poems....? ►


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Hazel ettridge

Sun 8th Apr 2018 20:36

Many thanks for all comments. There may be further Kathmandu poems to come. I'm trying to make sense of two years worth of emails that i sent to friends while I was out there.

<Deleted User> (13762)

Sun 8th Apr 2018 20:31

excellent poem Hazel. All that colourful "it's their culture" stuff. Nope, it's just grim injustice and animal abuse in my book and I don't buy it for a minute. In fact it makes me angry. I don't think what you felt was self-indulgent grief or shame. These countries need to sort out their poverty and corruption etc etc. As we need to do. Thank you for putting into words those conflicting emotions. It's not easy to make sense of it all. We are at the end of the day kind of at the top of the pile so to speak. Best wishes, Colin.

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Sun 8th Apr 2018 19:48

This is superb! Your handle on vocabulary and how to use it so effectively, is a joy to read, and to follow your ideas so comprehensively.

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Hazel ettridge

Wed 4th Apr 2018 07:19

It's great isn't it?

<Deleted User> (18980)

Tue 3rd Apr 2018 21:55

Know what you mean Hazel...I've been married 32 years.

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Hazel ettridge

Tue 3rd Apr 2018 21:41

No, Brian. Those first 15 days gave false hope for what then turned out to be 2 years of chastity.

<Deleted User> (18980)

Tue 3rd Apr 2018 21:20

No legover this time then Hazel? lol

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