The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 20 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Carer

                        The Carer


She’s been nipped and bit today by an old girl

puzzled in the folds of yesterday.  As she tried

to feed and clean her, acknowledged with shrieks

and skirls, she was fought against with bites

and scratches. When she was tended and quiet,

she combed her hair, grey strands loosening, floating

to pillow and floor.   Then, but only then, she said,

she became a little girl again and sang some old song

taught to her by her mam.  And she told me this:

 “I could see them there, eighty years ago,

sitting in sunlight, a woman counting the strokes,

and I saw myself in her eyes, so just for a moment

I wasn’t sure who I was, as if I were drawn from time,

or a mother had returned to mind her child.”


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Laura Taylor

Thu 5th Apr 2018 16:46

Fantastic poem - this line gave me goosebumps:

puzzled in the folds of yesterday.

Wish I'd have written that.

This is such a poignant piece, yet showing the gritty reality of the real hard work of caring. It's terrifying at the same time as making me want to cry.

It's really well structured and intelligently written, as well.

Thank you.

Frances Macaulay Forde

Wed 4th Apr 2018 04:27

This is wonderful, Terry.
' old girl
puzzled in the folds of yesterday"
Beautifully expressed.
I do agree with Brian though; I think the importance of the words would be served by spacing a little... but I enjoy it just as it is, too.

<Deleted User> (18980)

Tue 3rd Apr 2018 23:26

I like it Terry, partly I suppose because I can relate to it.

I feel it would be better spaced out into verses...just my opinion though, others may think not.

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