The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 20 hours. Get details and Enter.

Paradise Lost

                 Paradise Lost?

Big adjustment.  Nothing like retirement.

One minute, I’m your average day to day man -

up at first light, a couple of grapes, then

on with the day job:  Emu; Elephant;

Duck Billed Platypus; Lesser Spotted Toad

biodiversity makes a demand

on imagination.  But when I tired,

I thought of her under the tree: first bride,

always smiling, beautiful.  Worth a rib;

worth a leg; worth an eye.  Worth Paradise?

Well, debateable; but I’ll tell you this -

I passed it down to all the human tribe -

when the woman you love says sink your teeth

into sweet flesh, what price eternal life?


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jennifer Malden

Fri 21st Jun 2019 17:01

Hi Terry! Had missed this one completely, but think it's fantastic!
Very clever but also moving. Don't see why it got so little attention, deserved a lot more I think. Keep up the good work.


<Deleted User> (18980)

Sun 22nd Apr 2018 21:46

Brought a lump to my throat (think about it).

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