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Alcoholic Frolic

Rivers of alcohol  flowing through our cities,

Changing normal people into drunken Walter Mitties.

Nurses ,teachers and doctors too,

Pouring their money down the loo.


Our Chancellor's  finances never ails,

With alcohol tax from rising sales.

A million workers every day ,

Depend on alcohol to give them pay.


We live in a climate for growing hops,

Beer has always featured large in the shops.

Getting blasted on the weekend has  been the British way,

To drown the stresses of the working day.


When I was young the taste of beer was unfriendly,

Now drinking alcopops is  sweet ,cool and trendy.

Encouraging alcohol abusers at an early age,

To acquire a taste for their  favourite beverage.


If you are a man four units a day is fine,

Two pints of beer and you're in line.

A lady who's body mass is less,

Three glasses of wine is o.k. I guess.


Moderation is the correct path to follow,

Regulating  carefully how much alcohol you swallow.

Lengthen your life epectancy by ten years,

Three glasses of wine or a couple of beers !



◄ Raise them and praise them

The Unlucky Vicar ►


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