The airships cling momentarily to the past
Moving and hovering with undue delay
Cursing and spitting
Upon anyone who dares
To raise an objection
As I sit and watch these leviathans of the air
Greying black and then to white
Heavy with their own purpose
Blocking and blacking the rays
From that which I sometimes crave
Beyond and above
The blue and the white
These great ships of the day and the night
Sometimes moored on to mountain tops
In holy collusion
Hiding all they can in mischievous deceit
Delighting in the downfall
Of those who might try to penetrate
Those smoking mists of Avalon
Always ever changing
Shifting gilded patterns
Ready to fly at a moment’s notice
Through and beyond
In formations of migrating moths
Soft untouchable
One sneeze and they are gone
Drifting on upward drafts
Blinding all those above, before and beyond
Arching aching cascades released in platoons
To wash the land
Until there is no more
And all of time seems to cease
Before the airships move on
In no particular hurry
Martin Elder
Mon 16th Apr 2018 20:37
Thanks for the like Col