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Yesterday was summer but it’s now gone back to spring,

With just a hint of winter as it has a final fling;

The weather’s topsy-turvy, no one knows what’s coming next,

All the TV weathermen are baffled and perplexed.


They show us all their graphics, with those charming little signs,

And wave their arms and smile at us while trotting out their lines.

They talk about the weather fronts but don’t know where they’ll go,

And tell us that it’s changeable, there even could be snow.


They may as well use pine cones, or yet seaweed to divine

The chances of it raining, or infer the sun will shine.

I’ve given up believing anything they have to say,

And just look out the window to see what it’s like today.



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Laura Taylor

Fri 27th Apr 2018 11:46

Haha Hannah - they really do!

Nice work Trev - your stamina has been greater than mine!

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Hazel ettridge

Thu 26th Apr 2018 09:20

I totally agree Trevor. I love the weather - in all guises.

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Trevor Alexander

Wed 25th Apr 2018 16:40

Perhaps more smug than triumphant Hannah?
And Hazel, perhaps I'd just point out that there's no such thing as bad weather, just wrong clothing.... ?

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Hazel ettridge

Wed 25th Apr 2018 08:46

If only you could write the weather report - it would be so much more entertaining.

<Deleted User> (18118)

Tue 24th Apr 2018 22:42

The weather presenters always look slightly triumphant when it's going to be dramatic or unpleasant weather.
A poem that's always on our mind.


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