May God Grant Me
May God grant me the gift:
To lay my head upon my bed
and slip my mind to sleep;
To find upon the morrow
a refreshing realignment
of thought and deed;
To greet the day
with pleasure in all things;
And a sane desire
to think clearly.
May God grant me sight
to lift my eyes upon this world
of unceasing life and beauty;
And sound -
the symphony of the natural world
the dear voices
of family and friends.
And insight.
May I never lose sincerity
and tenacity
of heart and mind
that guide my words of love
encouragement and hope -
even my 'pen upon the page'.
May I find on my steps each day
family and friends -
Strength enough to open my door.
And if I do not lift the latch
to greet them with a smile
may they clearly say:
'She does not because she cannot.'
Cynthia Buell Thomas
January, 2018
Martin Elder
Sun 13th May 2018 14:35
This certainly does have all the feeling of a prayer Cynthia with so much of your heart felt sincerity thrown in for good measure. As I read it off the page I imagine you reading it out loud. Lovely
Hope to see you soon