Advice line
Dear Marge,
My husband and I have been married for ten years.
What happened next left me in tears.
As I drove to work my car juddered to a hault,
I walked back home to get my husband to sort out the fault.
When I got home he was in the bedroom,couldn't believe what I saw.
He was parading around in my high heels and red dress with my mother in law!
He was made redundant from his job on the oil rigs in Inverness.
He said since he had been feeling worthless and depressed.
Please can you help.Yours sincerely.Sylvia
Dear Sylvia,
A car stalling can be caused by dirty fuel.
Yours sincerely Marge
M.C. Newberry
Sun 13th May 2018 16:58
Nice one Hugh. And it encouraged the
following afterthought to add to your
ongoing feast of fun.
Dear Sylvia
All on parade can be called to attention
And their order of dress given proper mention!
You might like to know that though now I'm called Marge,
In times not long past, I used to be called "Sarge"!