Praise the Lord that I'm not a copper
With this present lot parading in power,
And before you think that's improper,
I'm including the opposite shower.
Incessantly interfering
In a once great public service,
With stuff that have crims cheering
While the law-abiding get nervous.
Cut-backs on costs with severity
Because of political failing...
In the dubious name of austerity
With no cure in sight for what's ailing.
The streets are handed to scumbags
To riot and plunder and kill,
We'll be hiding shop money in bumbags
Now there's seldom a sight of Old Bill!
"Keep people out of prison!"
Is now the givernment's idea,
Not seeing the devil has risen
And the innocent are walking in fear.
Those choosing politics for a living
Are rapidly losing the plot,
Busy taking while others are giving,
They're the "haves" while the public have not!
M.C. Newberry
Sat 9th Jun 2018 14:43
Thank you all for the comments. The subject will remain
a topic of concern from what I see happening in society
today. Moral courage has been hijacked by an attitude of
mind that gives every avenue of excuse and escape to the
wrongdoer, with the legal profession (via a substantial
representation in Parliament) playing endless games with
the meaning and effect of words they alone are
responsible for in formulating and enacting the laws we
try to abide by, only to see them manipulated and "massaged" to mendacious ends by their creators/
interpreters. No wonder the great W.S. Gilbert (himself a barrister) took aim with such knowing accuracy
in the famous G&S comic operas back in a time of less susceptible sensitive social sensibilities.