How to express the excitement, the way the morning feels,
Loading up the car with growing feelings of elation.
The allure of the distant open road waiting for your wheels,
All the exotic names on the map - each unknown destination.
The satisfying clunk of the driver's door, ready for the off;
The key in the ignition your passport to romantic places
The memory of those doubters and the way they liked to scoff,
Now left behind for La Belle you'd love to see their faces!
Hazel ettridge
Sat 16th Jun 2018 18:47
Toot Toot indeed.
I used to have a little cottage in France which I overheard a local man calling Maison Merde (shit house). So I Anglicised this and called it Chateau Crapaud (Toad Hall) and yes, it did have toads in the garden, big fat ones. TOOMUCH INFORMATION (Ive been sitting in the garden drinking my neighbours homemade gin - sorry)