Nothing Last Forever
{Nothing Last Forever}
As nothing last
forever and we
need time on our
own to find our
way out there
and through this
cold blue november
rain that keeps
blowing this pain in
and out of our lives
and don't you
dare look into my
eyes because you
will still see
there's love inside
of them burning
for you still but
we both are so
messed up and so
confused that we
both know it but
we may not
understand it and
this is what we both
know and this isn't
what we need and
we both know
nothing last forever
and now as I walk
away from you I
will be walking away
in this sweet cold
blue november rain
and I'll be trying to
for get all this pain
that you've caused
me in this cold blue
november rain and
sometimes we need
sometime on our own
as if we have only
grown apart and
that's what is killing
my poor old heart
and for me to walk
away from you in
this lonely cold blue
november rain and if
we can't find our way
back to each other it
wasn't meant to be
and we do know
nothing last forever
in this aching cold blue
november rain that
keeps this old pain
beating me up inside
and out and this is
some heartbreaking
cold hearted blue
november rain and
now damnit to hell
do you feel my pains
through this cold blue
november rain
because this is our
final good-bye time
so good-bye to you as
I leave you standing
alone in this cold blue
november rain that is
washing all our world
pains away
In this cold blue
november rain
©Tina Glover All Rights Reserved/ One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer 2014 but posting here on June 25,2018
<Deleted User> (16099)
Tue 26th Jun 2018 16:40
been there done that and why does it always happen when it is raining it makes everything so much more?