How Could You Miss Something You Never Had?
{How Could You Miss Something You Never Had?}
It's sad to say
that for a long
time now I
would be missing
you but in reality
how could I
miss something
I never really
had in the
first place
Yes it started
off by me
missing the
sound of your
deep voice
And the tender
touches of your
hand against
my skin
And then all
the times you
would lay beside
of me cuddling me
in your arms but
it was like you
was a invisible
ghost because
you disappeared
without a trace
and I was left
here in this hellish
fine mess you left
me in to pick~up
the pieces of this
illusion that you
left me while
remembering that
how could I
miss something or
someone that I
never really had
in the first place
But now I only think
of you every once in
while but I am not
going to miss you
any more
So as this is me
saying good~bye
to my invisible
ghost that I never
really had in the
first place
©Tina Glover All Rights Reserved/One_Pissed_American_Ghost_Writer June 28,2018