Cast into outer Darkness
Cast into outer Darkness
My family treated me as an adjunct
seldom was I included in their lives
I was lucky to receive a Christmas Card
a visit was rare indeed
Is this because I had done something wrong
or in some way offended them
The reason lingers beneath the surface
as they prefer to change the subject
I think of them often as we are related
I grew up knowing them all
But when I became an adult I was side lined
kept on the periphery of their families
They were seldom openly rude to me
I always sent a card and present when appropriate
Some I liked more than others
but it was all a sham really
I was kept at arms length
some deference came my way
but only occasionally
I persisted for years to be accepted
Then it dawned on me, slow on the uptake
I am gay and this they don´t like
I was once told that I was tolerated
not accepted but someone to be endured
I was an oddity, smirked at
and spoken about behind my back
My partner has endured worse
with his kith and kin
Together we still persevered
wanting to be liked
But it was useless, a waste of time
So they can all fuck off
racha chafik
Fri 13th Jul 2018 17:42
It's really hard to fight to have what everyone has righfuly . I have a theory I call the theory of pies . U can't take salt out of baked pies too late . Just look for a pie without salt . Much love . Glad I shared one of my theories hahaha