A ladder to the stars
If you open your heart to the misery
Of those who live without hope
If you learn to walk in another’s steps
And learn not to avert your gaze
If you give all that you have to give
And see with the eyes of a child
You will learn
Not to count on your money, my friend,
Its value comes and goes,
Instead, count your hours and count your days
Your minutes, seconds, breaths
And please do all that you can do
To lift the misery from those suffering pain and loss.
For self-sacrifice is the currency of love, my friend.
That is all that remains:
As time flashes by, my friend,
Glinting in the sky,
As the angels fly on high.
John Marks
Wed 4th Jul 2018 10:00
Thanks Graham, Keith and Brian. Thank you all very much for taking the trouble to comment on this poem. We all have to answer to ourselves, Brian, for what we do with any money we have. It is the pursuit of money that soaks up so much of many people's time and the value of money does change over time. When helping to bring up five kids every penny counted, now i can afford to be more giving.