Crayon Clouds
Clouds come out
all fluffy and white as popcorn
like balloons in cartoons
they speak to us of
kids in kinder
drawing their first pictures
the beginning of art
their first renderings almost always
sky and clouds
simple things at first
from minds that soon will mushroom
grow overnight
reaching up and out to find
new thoughts as changing as the wind
as colorful as clouds
the teacher gives them all an E
for effort
for their first tries at art
their first attempts at things beyond
Gummy Bears and Legos
taking pencil in hand
and color Crayons
they see what they can draw
drawing from within
we can see now for the first time
what is inside their little minds
we discover
what they imagine
given the opportunity
their first expressions of
who they are
and who they might become.
Becky Who
Mon 16th Jul 2018 14:56
This is lovely - I can see my kids' drawings as I read!