the trap
She stands tall next to me
capturing me with her eyes
she knows I want to flee
waiting for my vision to rise
to give her a sign,
so she can sit
and start talking about her boring life
how I fucked up mine
I'm evading her eyes,
but she keeps telling me
how I should stop that and this
I keep staring at the window
waiting for her to leave
not answering is not enough
pretending she doesn’t exist
makes her disappear for a minute
then she starts reappearing
little by little
until I start seeing her again
oh she’s still here
waiting for an answer
but my mind is not working
it shuts off every time I see her face
maybe if I imagine she’s gone again
she’ll get tired and go then
keith jeffries
Mon 16th Jul 2018 22:17
I have often experienced what you describe in this poem. Beautifully written.
Thank you