It's just a jump you should do it
Into the water you won't go
No one cares that you don't know how to swim
Your shattered soul that can't be saved
So just jump into it
The negative one in you is all you are now
So drown yourself in all of this
Or keep waiting on her
You're a black hole of misery
There's no one to blame but yourself
We all know you love herĀ
So stop repeating it and do something about it
You may have told her your deep dark secrets
She never asked you to do that
You're dumb stupid fool
So just listen to all the voices in your head
When they tell you you're better off dead
They're not trying to be mean
They're just trying to tell you the truth
People like you don't get happy endings
<Deleted User> (19836)
Fri 20th Jul 2018 08:57
I'm with Anya..."Do NOT jump!"
Write, write and write some more. Express yourself, free yourself from negative thoughts and know that the heart is capable of healing itself from even the deepest emotional wounds.