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Walk Away Mrs May

How can any other Country be allowed to threaten our Country .Why do we allow people to dictate our lives . What we do . What we say . How we live how we pray . How we speak . How we do things . Why should we Adhere to their way of life Why should we have to change for all others . Why should our way of life be Ridiculed . And not be able to speak has we find . Why bring other Country’s laws into Great Britain . Why call people Racist when Racists Demand Our Country has to change to please them . And why are we treated with indifferenc . When all we want is a life .


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M.C. Newberry

Fri 20th Jul 2018 17:09

This poses questions that too many passing politicians and
their adherents choose not to answer - even if they could...
which I very much doubt.
The great betrayal of my later life has been to witness the occupants of successive government benches choosing to
suborn the electorate's mandate to run the nation's affairs
to control/influence beyond these shores via ongoing
want of truth and deceit ever since we, as a trading entity,
were duped into believing that the Common Market was
the "be all and end all" of what was planned.
But the wheel is turning.

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