Bodily Notions
The eyes are
the windows of
the soul and
speak of words unsaid.
The mouth should
be delicate in
voicing out what
the mind have constructed.
The nose smells
not just the
arome of one’s
kindness but the
filth he brings
as well.
The ears audibly
reacts to the
sound of life’s
hustle and bustle.
The tongue tastes
victories flavored with
inspired determsination and
sorrows that of
faulty failures.
The hands can
freely move either
to harm or
mold outward positivity.
the legs up
to the toes
can walk long
journeys and take
you places for
an adventurous exploration.
The arms are
made for a
warm embrace to
a wounded soul.
The face can
express variety of
emotions to comprehend
its profoundness.
The body is
a whole masterpiece
created by an
artist to be
used inspired by His will.
Taylor Crowshaw
Tue 4th Sep 2018 12:16
The last stanza says it all..?