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I wish

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I wish I wish upon a star

That you’re okay right where you are

Up above this world so high

My love for you will never die


You live inside the ones you loved

You live inside the sky above

My memory of you won’t go away

I’ll think of you everyday


Now you can be free at last

From all the struggles in your past

You’ve earned your way to something greater

I promise I will see you later


I know you’re strong- 

you got through this

And you’ll move on just like you wish

I give you love and my last kiss

I love you lots. You will be missed..


R.I.P Nonna I love you forever




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Phillip Kelly

Mon 10th Sep 2018 21:00

This is a really sweet sincere well written poem.... With good effective rhytyhm and rhyme

I like how it starts with your wish.... Then ends in wish of the deceased
Well done

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