The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 19 hours. Get details and Enter.


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Hello my friend, welcome aboard

The ship they call 'Alzheimer's'

There's forty thousand under sixty-five

'Young onset' to 'Old timers'


It doesn't matter what you call it

The umbrella term's 'Dementia'

On the ship they call 'Alzheimer's'

Every day's a new adventure


Forget your hip replacement

And your osteoarthritis

They were only the 'support act'

For your 'brand new' daily crisis


They say things are never over

Until the 'Fat Lady' sings

And she is warming up her vocal chords

That's why you have 'mood swings'


Remember... don't forget your passport

You took two hours to fill that form

You should have seen it coming mate

As now it really is the 'norm'


Checking it once, checking  it  twice

Like a letter to Santa Claus

Then another three or four times

If you decide to take a pause


When you lose your motivation

And interest in different things

Remember life is not yet over

Until the said 'Fat Lady' sings


You may lose your sense of humour

Some close friends along the way

Then some of your inhibitions

I guess that's what I'm trying to say


When you see me do impulsive things

Risks I normally wouldn't take

It's how I am my friend these days

Not really a 'piss take'


I know I am quite repetitive

I'm not trying to be a pain

I'll ask you once, then ask you twice

And then again, again, again


I'll write things down, forget your name

One time, two times, three times, four

I'll call you buddy, pal or mate

Then go back and check the door... again, again, again


Simple things, routes and routines

Developing obsessions

Tea and toast and Heinz Baked Beans

And memorable possessions


It's hard to plan, it's hard to judge

Hard to make a decision

Apathetic right down to the core

Waste time, watch television


My voice sometimes appears so slurred

My speech now slow and hesitant...  (pause)

I've forgotten what I want to say

'Is Donald Trump still President'?


Healthcare professionals and the Psychologists'

The tests and leaflets they gave out

The Consultant and Neurologist

With MRI scan shows no doubt


Early diagnosed Alzheimer's

'Have I had my tea'?

Captured at a very early stage

So please remember... I'm still me


(c) Ged the Poet/Daniel Dwyran

(Not posted for a while.. but getting the confidence back).


Alzheimer'srantingSelf-awarenessdementiahealthDark humour



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keith jeffries

Fri 28th Sep 2018 13:52


You handle this poem with sensitivty and a touch of gentle humour but underlying it you do not avoid the tragedy of what it is all about. It is well crafted and in touch with reality. A good work.
Thank you for this,

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M.C. Newberry

Mon 24th Sep 2018 16:52

Consistent and constantly faithful in its depiction of the
various facets of a distressing condition. On a technical
side, I would prefer an alternative to the double use of
the word "take" in verse nine...but just maybe it fits with
the following line about being "repetitive"?

<Deleted User> (9882)

Mon 24th Sep 2018 12:11

totally agree and sympathise likewise with the other guys D.D. and also on the 'nice to see you back' dude

Rose ?

<Deleted User> (19913)

Mon 24th Sep 2018 10:46

What a bittersweet ode to a dreadful condition.

Big Sal

Sun 23rd Sep 2018 22:23

Excellent poem, terrible affliction.?

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Martin Elder

Sun 23rd Sep 2018 19:28

Welcome back Daniel. It's good to se you posting again. I see you haven't lost any of your flair
Nice one

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