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Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Respect to the Snowflake Generation

Don’t listen to them when they call you snowflakes.

Don’t be hurt when they call you fucking pansies.

Pity them. They are damaged. And they fear you.


They think it’s too much work to be inclusive,

too used to being the privileged majority.

Who is it really that’s easily offended?


When they see they don’t define the world anymore.

You do. That is why they fear you.

They claim your softness makes you weak.

Never doubt that is your strength.

The world needs more kindness.


You have a courage they could not imagine,

the courage of an open heart and mind.

Their courage was born on the battlefield,

where their hearts died.


I see the flag of hope in the next generation, 

the ones who face challenges we have never known,

the ones growing up to the mantra,

‘We trashed the planet sorry. You fix it.’


Only broken hearts crush pansies,

beneath the boots of soldiers.

They fail to see the delicate are precious,

and strength is underground.


They see fragility where I see vitality.

Your power is to embrace change,

embrace each other and then embrace the world.


So respect to the snowflake generation.

I salute you.

You may turn out to be the bravest, strongest humans yet.


©Janey Colbourne 2018



snowflakeSpoken Word poetrygeneration Zenvironmental crisisrespectAnti-bullyingnational poetry dayequality

◄ love is not

Vanessa Kisuule I Thank You ►


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Janey Colbourne

Fri 5th Oct 2018 20:37

Well this seems to be a conversation piece! Thanks for the interesting discussion and especially thanks for all the compliments about my poem. Of course there are a lot of big issues regarding the future of humanity and it’s not possible to tackle them all adequately in one poem. My main point in this one is that if we show young people a little more faith and notice their positive traits they are more likely to live up to that. Every generation worries about their children, naturally.

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M.C. Newberry

Thu 4th Oct 2018 17:17

There is no particular political stance to what is perceived
about the world today. Just about everything that today's
generation uses or relies upon is the invention or creation of
a previous one - for good or bad. It is reassuring that for
each malign influence on our world, there is a recognition
and a readiness to meet particular with regard to the
environmental influences that emerge. That is the
reality and deserves to be encouraged at every turn...with
experience and eagerness combined in ways that can move
us forward across successive inter-locking generations.

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Don Matthews

Thu 4th Oct 2018 15:23

I think Brian illustrates my point.

" Gotta stay in me nice cozy bed and text me sheila. Then I'm gonna raise me bones (nah mum they 'aint lazy) hop on me computer and Facebook me other bird. (Nah mum she won't know about me other sheila cos we only need to talk by text. No need for face to face anymore. 'aint technology grand mum) "

You need to vote son. What's that??

Shit!. And we're pinning our hopes on them fixing the mess we've made....

I shake my head.... ?

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Don Matthews

Thu 4th Oct 2018 15:07

I raise the question as to whether the younger generation can get us out of the mess we are in? I raise this because social media seem to be controlling them today. The need to be like others using it for their own personal gain. Kids are also losing the ability to connect face to face. Impersonal Iphones have taken over.

Parents and educators need to own the problem and start weaning kids off dependence on social media.

Maybe I'm just old-fashioned but to me the future generation need to get back to relating face to face in solving the mess we've made if it hopes to solve the mess we've made ?

<Deleted User> (18980)

Thu 4th Oct 2018 14:57

We have much to thank the snowflake generation for e.g. Brexit and Trump. If only they'd got out of bed, tore themselves away from computer games, and got out and voted!

Big Sal

Thu 4th Oct 2018 13:55

Right-wingers get pretty sensitive when called on their own shit, but they always cry wolf when someone on the left of the spectrum tells them something in return. My favorite is when one of them gets called racist, bigot, or anything true, they automatically go into defensive kitty mode and try batting that ball back at 'em.

As if 'snowflake' is any sort of intelligent denigration, now they all pat themselves on the backs like good little dogs. I love poetry like this.

Highly enjoyable poem, and the sentiment is top notch, well done Janey.??

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M.C. Newberry

Thu 4th Oct 2018 12:41

Powerfully put. However, today's generation has more going for it than any other, with awareness and
advantages and an ability to act not given to those before
who were caught up in world conflicts beyond their control
and suffered beyond imagining before returning from the
conflagration to light the way and provide the shoulders upon which today's generation stands and looks ahead. ?

Jemima Jones

Thu 4th Oct 2018 12:04

such a very powerful piece Janey oozing with sincerity.
Thank you. Jemima.

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