This Saturday, London's roads will be closed once again
So the disaffected can demonstrate their desire to remain
Within the EU - so selling their soul
For personal convenience - but no real control
Over the running of this nation and who gives the orders
Let alone the concerns about uncontrolled borders.
Their cotton and rag filled minds are obsessed
With travel and trivia and I'm not impressed
With scary talk of job loss and who can live where
That ignores the reality of why we should care.
It's electing our Parliament and saying goodbye
If they don't measure up - and they will know why.
We never needed to be told what we could (or not) do
By self-obsessed compilations like the incestuous EU.
So, a nod to Robert Graves and his World War One hat,
I'll tip my own now and bid "Goodbye To All That!"
Graham Sherwood
Sat 20th Oct 2018 16:47
Is there to be a leaver's Westminster Walk do you think?