When the truth hurts
My heart hurts and rage runs through my veins and even though I don't know her I can still feel her pain.
This right here hurts and it's not because of her race. It's the fact it's another human being that because of crooked cops they have deformed another face.
Everyone has something say but in reality the real matters of this country they try to ignore.
When will the people stand up and demand for stuff like this to happen no more.
If we truly live in the home of the brave and in the land of free. Why is this stuff happening so much and how could that be!?!
It's really not about race why this is infuriating to me. But it is about race because this type of brutality only happens to those with skin color like me.
My heart is hurt and I feel her and those who love her pain. That's why I will forever stand up boldly and fight against any unrighteous acts to all of God's creation in Jesus name.
Mind and heart of the
Thu 8th Nov 2018 05:57
I suspect that the majority of these crimes go completely unheard by our courts and, therefore, the public, courtesy of our convenient system of plea bargaining.