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Gods et.



Gods etc


“What good do they really do at all?”

said the Man in the Grubby Overcoat –

“ ..and how many are there out on call?

All swanning on in the same old boat -

There’s an ‘ology god produced by ‘Science’

as spurious as artistic licence -

There’s a Christian god and a Jewish god

and a Moslem god and god knows what

many more Hindu gods with a gem

in the head sitting on a flower pot -

there’s lots of Chinese and Tibetan ones

spinning wheels to make the prayers work -

gods can’t say anything for themselves

they have to be quoted by some berk

as wise as me who has revelations,

dreams and schemes and incantations

unless some bugger does it for’em

Christian, Jewish, or even Moslem

they think they have a holy right

to execute in day or night

perhaps with a knife or bloody sword

a gun or a bomb just at the word

of a GOD who doesn’t have the might’

unaided who cannot even smite

but with the sanctioned common will

a problem means you have to kill.

in The Name Of any raging God.

ruling with the famous iron rod”


“In truth you’re right” exclaimed the priest

“you cannot prove that gods exist

each is an idea, not an entity

excused, absolved in perpetuity”


So using the properly blesséd knife

he killed the children and the wife.

and later still (the papers wrote)

the Man in the Grubby Overcoat.


And so you see, all you who grieve

Charity’s available - if you believe.




◄ Saddleworth Moor

Beetle ►


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Mon 3rd Dec 2018 15:10

Highly commendable in its spirit, The grubby overcoat is in fitting opposition to the highly elaborate concepts of the poem and grounds it. The idea of death on the physical level is always the last option in any spiritual considerations. The last two verses are spot on.


<Deleted User> (18474)

Mon 3rd Dec 2018 06:26

God is for the insane. Is this the poems message ??

I truly believe that people who believe in a god are mental. But aren't we all a bit.

Any vehement beliefs cause other people trouble. But if you believe your righteous......
The Christian god for example is not lovely and forgiving, as we're indoctrinated to believe.

If 'he' exist 'he's' as sick as the people who make him a reality.

On the poems.
Very different work than Saddleworth Moor. That was truly the best poem I've ever read. I don't know if some of that is coz I live on it for five years. But know one could capture that moors beauty and shame better.
There is it's other side of course. When you lie there on a still summer's day. The warmth on your face in complete silence except for the skylarks. But even then you can't forget what you know.
I enjoy this one less for beauty and more for it's thought provoking qualities. Of course its brilliantly constructed and flows with ease.
Well done again.

Hope scooter club and the lost boys gives way to saddlewoth moor.


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John Coopey

Sun 2nd Dec 2018 21:34

It would be nice to think that they got along just fine and let one another sit in the sun for a turn.

<Deleted User> (18980)

Sun 2nd Dec 2018 21:14

Many of the conflicts around the world are caused by religious differences, but I suppose if there never was any religions we would have found something else to squabble it might as well be religion.

Good one Alan.

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