They say he muttered "stupid woman" from the Opposition Front Bench
(A toffee-nosed tory of other days might have uttered "silly wench").
Cue for shock, dismay and awe - and hapless Jeremy got what for,
Not so much for what he said - but how he stood up and misled
Those who swooned in their cocoon of panting pious outrage
As JC played his leading role from a totally different page
Persisting in resisting and Insisting - according to his adopted new script -
That nothing of the dreaded misogynist kind had ever really slipped
From a tight-lipped mouth so readily adept at offering cosy platitudes
And doubtless inwardly condemning the risibly righteous attitudes
In a place that has known insults and barbs full of withering wit
And took them all in its stride before - sadly - the humour quit.
Churchill and Lady Astor - and Bessie Braddock too
Gave as good as they often got - and knew a thing or two
About the rough and tumble of giving and taking offence;
Untruths are ingrained in politics but what happened to common sense?
Brian Blanchard
Mon 24th Dec 2018 14:37
Clever wording...excellent.