The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 19 hours. Get details and Enter.

I Stand

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(In honour of our services.)


In this darkest hour of need,

In this time of great demand,

When those around me choose to kneel,

I choose not and so, I stand.


Though it cause my voice to quake,

I'll steady out my shaking hand,

Because I have a choice to make,

I cannot yield and so, I stand.


Don't think me brave for I am not,

This is not a thing I planned,

But kneeling men will be forgot,

And I will not and so, I stand.


And though I pay a heavy cost,

And give my life to save this land,

I know much greater could be lost,

If I kneel, and so, I stand.


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Jason Bayliss

Fri 23rd Aug 2019 20:54

Thanks Ruth, very kind of you to say so. This was one of my favourites. Although I have to say reciting is not my strength.

J. x

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Ruth O'Reilly

Fri 23rd Aug 2019 20:27

Very Victorious this Jason, as if you are just about to go out to battle. I too enjoyed the audio accompaniment KJ is right, it's good to hear how the poet wants it to sound.

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Jason Bayliss

Fri 23rd Aug 2019 17:23

Thanks Mae, I did this a little while back, almost deleted the audio, not a great standard. I definitely like writing more.

J. x

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Mae Foreman

Fri 23rd Aug 2019 17:14

Oh! my! God! You are gifted! Jason bravo! Words are not enough here, I got goosebumps. Excellent!
Thank you!?

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kJ Walker

Fri 23rd Aug 2019 08:47

I'd like to hear audios to some of your other works too. Hearing poems in the poet's own voice really brings them to life.
(I know that this is a cheeky request, is I don't post audios myself)

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