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rant 2 (01/23/2019) rework

eyes roll west, 


we see synapses dimly firing at easy targets and cheap jokes, teeth chattering, white and sharp, hungry for derision


for anything else but the terrifying bog

of what it is to be a human being in control of your own life.

instead, let's laugh at the tumbling waves of pending disaster

narrowly skirting by our lives each and every single day, pretending that we have no hand in it,

giving ourselves up to the very systems we despise,

steered and medicated with endless content streaming through the walls,

and vice.

We see something absurd in the news,

pour it thru our filter,

mix it with gin and lemon, crawl into bed,

unfold a laptop,

turn on something light, something easy, something funny -- 


"HA HA."



ha ha.

then write a facebook post about it


await another food pellet 

await more likes, more comments,

more reaching out for the connection that's just sitting

right in front of me on a plate in the middle of the room


but no, not that connection. I don't want it that close,

that often,

that organic.

It's not the right brand -- it's not the one i'm supposed to want



something real

something real is worth trying ,

strapped into what can only be described

as chains of comfort


because why would you resist your captors when you are at your safest?

the walls are here for your protection,

decorated with movie posters

and city-regulated, sanctioned events for music and drinks

and food that makes you feel ok.

but never well 

Never whole.




and I'm getting this out of my system

to have an empty tank to fill

with vitriol, unleaded . 

Pb to never weigh me down 

Pb to never weigh me down 

Pb to never weigh me down. 


Alchemy rat race Skinner box thin so fucking cold

off-yellow (02/17/2019) ►


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John Bastard

Wed 30th Jan 2019 16:27

well i added an audio track

it's not great

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Stu Buck

Wed 23rd Jan 2019 16:00

always good to read your work zach, it breaks up the monotony

i need audio of this to be played over a loudspeaker in a motel room adjacent to mine. i think that is the best way to digest your words

Big Sal

Wed 23rd Jan 2019 15:56

Evocative of several introspective thought processes, all leading to the same release valve.??

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