Smashed fragments huddled for warmth
Beneath a yawning ambivalent sky
Thynne Street shivers in the early dark
broken bits of Britain stir
and walk out scarf wrapped
coughing like gypsies dead from living
crackles scattered on a floor of frost
where life is a Londis of use-by dates
and mars bar breakfasts bought in haste
choking on the fumes of the bank quay station
fragranced by soap factory smoke.
Frost and hail trail footprints grey
beneath a cold and stone washed sky
and lies like words:
community, and
as hid by ugly blankets of smog black brickwork
who knows what lives are lived and died
families struggle
food and clothing
toys and drugs
muslim clothing white hat white trousers
walking the hail caked streets to mosque.
Beneath a yawning ambivalent sky
morning has broken – like the first nose
of nighttime’s heated angry debacle
overtired blue wicked one-a-penny
wicked by the bottle
waking to recriminate on who said what and why
and why indeed
wicked by the bottle load
shut your noise.
Beneath a yawning ambivalent sky
broken bits of Britain stir
and make their shivering faltering walks
as heat escapes their very bones
to who knows where – who cares
to idle bag lady vagrant stand about
town centre hang out window shop
and dream a dream and plan escape
each broken piece of Britain dreams
beneath a yawning ambivalent sky
of gluing our lives together again
each fragment fastened to the next
with approximations to love.
Sat 6th Feb 2010 14:13
Thanks all. I think I've figured out why it has that pretty thing about it: when wrote this, I was reminiscing on delivering christmas hampers and presents to deprived families for a local charity.
I'd strongly recommend getting involved - not in a streets of london sort of "my life's rubbish... oh I stand corrected: life in general is miserable and unfair therefore I've cheered up now" sort of a way, but more for the interaction with the families you're helping - you can't help but smile when the little ones are telling you how excited they are about christmas.