Dancing with Addiction
How do you help
loved ones that
insist on
tap dancing
with the demon
of addiction?
I want to scold
them like a child
for their own good,
but I know it
would fall
on deaf ears.
I want to hold them
tight, tell them
everything will
be alright, but
they aren't buying
that lie.
Is my only option
to waltz around
my candy-coated world
and watch them
It is the most
helpless feeling,
like seeing a
ballet dancer
with bloody feet,
watching addiction
slowly suffocate
a soul, making
them feel less
than zero.
How do I help
them see a
world of love
and light
just beyond
the shadows.
Help them
addiction is
just a way to
hide the pain
that keeps us
through life
with limited
While sobriety
is raw, real,
and limitless.
How do I help
them know that
the wolf you
feed is the
one that grows.
All I can do
is pray they
somehow make
the choice
of awareness
and reach out
to get the help
they need before
the danse macabre
sweeps them away
from family and
friends who love
them beyond their
and a world that
needs their story
of survival to
make the most
of what this one
lion dance life
has to give.
Sat 2nd Feb 2019 17:18
Thank you for your beautiful sentiment Lisa. Unconditional love definitely rules my life. I can't imagine any other way. The worry, I pour out on this page so it doesn't consume me. Suffering feels not so much in vain when our story touches another soul. ?