Time's fool
The beautiful clouds of a high summer sky
Rush by like a stone flung from a sling
Designed to bruise but not kill my stone dreams
Inspire me to sing the high-fluted songs of summer
Contrary to the dumb laws of matter
I wear my profusion lightly and glance behind the show-screen of coincidence
Into the heart of the matter.
Swans swimming with their young through these moments of vision
Track our lives as surely as a Global Positioning System
Posing the questions we are not inclined to answer
Poets' evasions are of a different order of being:
First, rising like a helium balloon to view the mountains and the valleys,
Then, borrowing an inclination to deceive from the liars and false lovers.
Finally, asking, who puts mirrors above their bed so that they can easily evade
The need to live?